A word from our partners

November 26, 2011

Since its creation, KANPE has been faced with the challenge of breaking the cycle of poverty, using a more global approach to the socio-economic development of the people of Baille Tourible. This method relies on the expertise of our partners Fonkoze and Zanmi Lasanté. Here is an email from the CEO of Fonkoze, Anne H. Hastings, sent to our Chair, Dominique Anglade, vividly expressing the KANPE effect. It is so beautiful and encouraging that it should be shared with the whole KANPE community:

Dear Dominique,

I just got home from a terrific visit to Bay Tourib (…). First and foremost, we saw the cholera treatment center, and I can’t tell you just how important that is. They are getting people from far away and the care is obviously exceptional. The area has been hit very hard – I think I heard it correctly that it’s been over 500 since the epidemic started (not since the opening of the treatment center). A total of 315 families have been selected for the comprehensive program, and the launch of the program will be on Friday. But I was so impressed that the partnership between Zanmi Lasanté and Fonkoze has never been stronger. The health agents all came to the training of our counselors and to the participatory wealth rankings, which has never happened before. In addition, all participating families will get a physical at the start of the program – which will be so helpful for the counselors in understanding the families they are supporting in addition to giving us a tremendous baseline. That has never happened before. (…) I’ve never seen the Fonkoze team so motivated. (..) Fritz has done a really tremendous job of bringing everyone together and making sure that all parties are clear about importance of coordinating our service delivery.

Really, I cannot over emphasize just how excited I was to see the collaboration going on in the area. It’s been my dream for years … but it’s Kanpe who really made it operational. Konpliman! (..)Thanks so VERY much for what you and everyone at Kanpe has generated! It’s groundbreaking!?

Anne H. Hasting 2011

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