The “jaden lakou” to fight against food insecurity

September 18, 2020

Our “jaden lakou” project started at the end of August in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. This subsistence gardens project aims to enable 500 families, among the most underprivileged, to grow their own food and sell the surplus in the local market.

Seedlings, plants and seeds of several varieties of vegetables have already been distributed to beneficiaries belonging to six local associations of Baille Tourible. Training was also offered on how to plant okra, tomatoes, spinach, eggplants, chillis, peppers, leeks, and chayote.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, KANPE is working with MPP to support vulnerable families as well as the farmers of Baille Tourible in an effort to prevent food insecurity and revenue loss


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