The Baille Tourible clinic is 10 years old!

July 27, 2021

Today is  a special day at Baille Tourible in Haiti. The clinic is celebrating 10 years of serving the community. The clinic has been instrumental in eliminating cholera in the community since 2018 and in COVID-19’s outreach and prevention efforts.

Since opening in 2011, the clinic has provided care and services to 20,000 residents (Baille Tourible and surrounding communities), including:

  • Consultations (over 82,000 since 2011).
  • Distribution of free medications.
  • Laboratory tests (average of 3,270/year).
  • Malaria testing (no cases since 2015).
  • Cholera treatment (over 1,700 cases treated between 2011 and 2017, no new cases since January 2018).
  • Treatment of moderate and severe malnutrition (avg. 228 children/year since 2016).
  • Family planning services (average 1,073 visits/year) and prenatal visits (average 1,124 visits/year).
  • Transportation for patients, medical team members and medications.
  • Jobs created and maintained, including: general practitioner, primary care nurses, nursing assistants, pharmacist assistants, etc.


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Crédit photos : Mikael Theimer. Les photos ont été prises en 2016.

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