Graduation ceremony for the participants of the nutrition training

January 13, 2022

At the end of December, more than 120 members of 3 women’s associations from Baille Tourible received a certificate for their participation in a nutrition course that we organized for them last fall.

The training was based on the Haitian food pyramid and the participants learned, among other things, the various categories of food, the basic principles of a balanced diet, and the need to include vegetables in meals.  Several recipes were also made during the training.

Haiti is full of nutritious fruits and vegetables and many were produced in the subsistence gardens of the most vulnerable communities of Baille Tourible. Some were sold, but most were consumed locally.

Participants expressed satisfaction at the end of the training, saying they now had a better understanding of the role of food in the physical development of youth. 

In addition, they felt that the recipes they learned gave them more options in their professional lives.


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