The Counselors’ work in the fields, as seen by Rony Dorrélus

July 1, 2012

Rony Dorrélus, 26, is a young resident of Mirebalais located near Thomonde. He is part of the team of seven counselor who are essential to KANPE’s work in Baille Tourible. CONTACT spoke with him about his experience on the ground.

Why did you choose to work with KANPE?

When I was little, I always dreamed of working to help people. Before I started working for KANPE, I worked on development projects for another organization. Now, I am able to contribute every day towards bringing financial autonomy to disenfranchised families; not only in my neighbourhood but in my country as well. As transportation between the villages is difficult, and I live in Saut-d’Eau, Mirebalais, I arrive in Baille Tourible every Monday morning,spend the week there, and return home for the weekends.

What is your role, as a KANPE counselor?

I work mainly as a catalyst. I follow 50 families in total. Due to their extreme poverty, these families often need help to regain confidence in order to cope with their situation. My goal is to listen and discuss their problems with them, in order to help them find solutions. I meet about eight families every day to do all kinds of different tasks, from giving basic lessons in literacy and agriculture, to giving financial and marital advice.

To what extent do you think KANPE is changing the course of events in Baille Tourible?

KANPE’s arrival in Baille Tourible has definitely changed the course of things for its residents. For example, before KANPE’s program was implemented, 80% of the children from families I work with could not go to school. Now, since KANPE began subsidizing schools in Baille Tourible, all school-aged children in the village are attending classes. On my side, I advised parents on how they can use agriculture and animal breeding to save money, so that their children can continue going to school.

Furthermore, on the nutrition front, KANPE provided each family with financial support to help them plant gardens in order for them to meet their nutritional requirements. I helped by teaching families notions and techniques related to market gardening which would help them increase their agricultural production. Today, every family I work with cultivates at least one garden and can benefit from at least one meal per day.

Lastly, KANPE assumed certain housing costs on behalf of the families, such as sheet metal, and the services of carpenters and masons, which enabled the construction of more sanitary homes. Today, 48 of the 50 families that I follow have completed the construction of their homes.

What would you tell potential donors who are considering giving to KANPE?

I would tell donors and potential donors that KANPE’s work, and the work of its partners, is essential to the Baille Tourible community. I would also tell them that we must continue to give, so that concrete support can be given to the people of my country so they may finally reach financial independence.

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