• Nutrition training for local women’s organizations

    September 1, 2021

    Haiti is full of nutritious fruits and vegetables. Many of these vegetables were produced in the subsistence gardens of vulnerable communities in Baille Tourible. They were used for sale, but mostly for local consumption. To help the community get the most nutritional value from the vegetables and other local foods, nutrition training was held earlier

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  • Haïti, hit by natural disasters

    August 19, 2021

    Dear KANPE family, As you have all heard, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti on Saturday.   The epicentre was in the southern portion of the country, with significant structural damage in the cities of Cayes and Jeremie.  Our hearts are with Haiti, now and always. While the community of Baille Tourible in the Central Plateau was

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  • New sanitation options for students

    August 11, 2021

    Clean and functional sanitation options are paramount in these times of pandemic. We continue to support the community of Baille Tourible in the Central Plateau of Haiti with the construction of sanitary facilities for students in both the elementary national public and the secondary schools. << SUPPORT OUR ACTIONS >> Click on the following link

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  • A good harvest season in Baille Tourible

    August 6, 2021

    In Haiti, this year’s bean harvest was excellent in Baille Tourible. A surplus of nearly 1,000 kg of beans was repaid to the local seed bank over the volume distributed in the spring. This surplus will allow for expanded distribution to more families next year. Gradually, the community is walking towards food sovereignty. << SUPPORT

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  • The Baille Tourible clinic is 10 years old!

    July 27, 2021

    Today is  a special day at Baille Tourible in Haiti. The clinic is celebrating 10 years of serving the community. The clinic has been instrumental in eliminating cholera in the community since 2018 and in COVID-19’s outreach and prevention efforts. Since opening in 2011, the clinic has provided care and services to 20,000 residents (Baille

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  • COVID-19: Community awareness raisers are back on the ground

    July 16, 2021

    Community awareness raisers are back on the ground distributing sanitation kits to the population in various localities of Baille Tourible in Haiti. Preventive measures are important to fight against the COVID-19 in the context of an increase in cases recorded in the country recently. Nearly 2,000 families are targeted by this new campaign that will,

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  • The first seedlings arrive at the small orchards

    June 30, 2021

    The small orchards have received their first seedlings of fruit trees like lemon, mango, soursop, avocado, apricot, orange, chadequier. Forest trees were also planted such as cedar, cassia, moringa and mahogany trees. More than 4,500 seedlings have already been transplanted from the experimental farm to about 15 orchards in Baille Tourible in the Central Plateau

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  • Walk for KANPE at the Summer Walkathon

    June 15, 2021

    The KANPE Foundation is proud to be the beneficiary of the first edition of the Walkathon – 60 Days Around the World for KANPE – organized by 360insight, a company that has been supporting our actions in Haiti since 2019.  This summer, we invite you to walk/run for KANPE. For every km/mi you walk or

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  • National Children’s Day in Baille Tourible

    June 14, 2021

    This week, Baille Tourible celebrated Children’s Rights Day at the medical clinic. It was an opportunity to celebrate the younger children by sharing a good meal. The day ended with a distribution of gift baskets containing kitchen items and sandals.    

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  • Small orchards for a greener environment

    June 7, 2021

    In Baille Tourible, Haiti, the community is multiplying initiatives to ensure its food sovereignty and climate resilience. Their latest project with KANPE support is the establishment of small orchards. Launched recently, the small orchards offer the community both a way to effectively fight against deforestation and create additional sources of income. The orchards allow for

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