• Seeds depositing has started

    April 28, 2021

    It’s seed depositing time in the Central Plateau in Haiti. In the different localities of Baille Tourible, more than 500 families among the most vulnerable in the community, are planting corn, beans, small millet and pois-congo. It has been raining for a few weeks now, giving hope for a successful harvest this summer. This year,

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  • Distribution of seeds to 500 families

    April 15, 2021

    Last week, our local partner, Mouvement Paysan Papaye (MPP), proceeded to distribute corn, bean, millet, and pois congo seeds to more than 500 families of all the localities of Baille Tourible, the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. This year, in order to fight against food insecurity, the distribution of seeds has

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  • A water retention wall to protect the seedlings

    April 12, 2021

    A water retention wall was built upstream of the experimental farm in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haïti. The farmers took the initiative to protect the seedlings. The wall was built with stones picked from the area. The rainy season should start in May. With this work, they are now less

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  • Work in the kitchen of the national school

    March 29, 2021

    In Haiti, in the community we support in the Central Plateau, work was done in the kitchen of the national school to repair the fireplaces (stoves) that were cracked. Local masons had been working quickly to allow the cooking activities to resume. On school days the canteen feeds nearly 450 students!

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  • International Women’s Day: Let’s celebrate all “madan sara” !

    March 5, 2021

    We take this opportunity of  March 8th to highlight the important contribution of all madan sara to the Haitian economy. A “madan sara” is like Liana Sully, a woman who specializes in commerce. Several times a week, Madame Sully rides her horse from her home to go sell in the markets of Baille Tourible and

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  • Road maintenance to counter isolation

    February 26, 2021

    In mid-January, two teams of day laborers, each composed of a dozen people, began work to repair the road leading to the community we support in the Central Plateau to counter isolation. The rainy season has not been nice to this 22-km path. It is the only one that allows to reach Thomonde, the closest

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  • Agroforestry : the next generation get involved

    February 19, 2021

    Approximately 80 young people from the high school and the marching band regularly participate in the various activities of production and maintenance of the seedlings of the experimental farm in the community we support in the Central Plateau. In the field, they take care of fruit trees such as orange, papaya, coconut, or mango trees

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  • Vegetable gardens: let’s talk about cabbage

    February 12, 2021

    Red, green, round, kale, kohlrabi, savoy, cabbage has a thousand faces. As part of the cruciferous family, it is a low-calorie food, and full of vitamin K. Cabbage even has properties against certain types of cancer such as lung, ovary and kidney cancer. Since last fall, it has been introduced into the gardens of 500

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  • Enabling women to strengthen their community

    February 10, 2021

    About fifteen women, members of three associations in the community that we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti, benefitted at the end of January from training aimed at equipping them with tools that will allow them to play an active role in change within their community. The specific objectives of this training session were

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  • Vegetable gardens : let’s talk about eggplant

    January 22, 2021

    Did you know that the eggplant is a fruit and that it is also grown in North America? Consumed as a vegetable, it is distinguished by its smooth, purple skin. It is rich in fiber and has antioxidant power. Eggplant can be eaten stuffed, fried, grilled, in a ratatouille or Greek moussaka. The community we

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