• COVID-19: A New Waiting Area to Strengthen Preventive Measures

    October 8, 2020

    In Haiti, our clinic in Baille Tourible has a new triage area. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of visitors that can be admitted into the waiting room has been halved due to compliance with physical distancing rules. . Covering an area of 46 square meters, the new space increases the capacity to accommodate

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  • The Residents Participate in The Cleaning and Embellishment of Their Community

    October 6, 2020

    In Haiti, the residents of Baille Tourible care a lot about the cleanliness and beautification of their community. Since August, local women’s associations’ members have been cleaning the yard of our clinic and the road to get there on a regular basis. This work is in addition to other initiatives taken in the past, such

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  • The “jaden lakou” to fight against food insecurity

    September 18, 2020

    Our “jaden lakou” project started at the end of August in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. This subsistence gardens project aims to enable 500 families, among the most underprivileged, to grow their own food and sell the surplus in the local market. Seedlings, plants and seeds of several varieties of

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  • Improve living conditions through agroforestry

    September 11, 2020

    Agronomist Odinave Dominique is the manager of the experimental farm in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, he highlights the importance of this project for the whole community. “The experimental farm gives us the means to fight food insecurity while improving the living conditions

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  • COVID-19: our actions to strengthen food security

    September 2, 2020

    We have taken action to address the threat of food insecurity within the community we support in Haiti. As a result, the experimental farm resumed its activities following the strengthening of health security measures. With the help of our partner Mouvement Paysan Papaye, we were able to: Train more than 50 farmers, members of 6

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  • Back to school for the students in Baille Tourible

    August 21, 2020

    The children of Baille Tourible hit the road to school this week to complete the school year interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The joy could be seen on their faces! Since the schools closed this Spring, they have been able to stay in touch, remotely, with educational content through the “Read Haiti” Creole reading

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  • It’s World Mask Week!

    August 12, 2020

    Within the community we support in Haiti, face-covering is one of the means used to fight against COVID-19. More than 1,500 masks, sewn by local seamstresses, have been distributed to residents working in the experimental farm project and at the medical clinic, among others. Since the beginning of the pandemic, helping the community to apply

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  • Reaching the Most Remote Communities, a Big Challenge!

    July 27, 2020

    Reaching the most remote communities can be a big challenge due to the state of the roads in the Central Plateau in Haiti. As part of our COVID-19 prevention campaign, the transportation of sanitary kits containing soap and chlorine for distribution must be carried out by donkey in some very isolated communities. Since the beginning

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  • Apply Strict Security Protocols

    July 24, 2020

    Protecting the population we support against COVID-19 requires the application of strict security protocols within our team. Before they leave for the field, Myrlande Jean, our Project Manager in Haiti, takes the temperature of the awareness-raisers in addition to the hygiene and social distancing measures that are observed during their interventions. Since the beginning of

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  • More preventive measures against COVID-19

    July 14, 2020

    Prevention measures continue to be deployed in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. While COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the country, no cases have been detected yet at Baille Tourible. We are starting soon to implement new security protocols with the distribution of: Cleaning and disinfection equipment; Hygiene and personal

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