Today is International Creole day. Creole is a world rich with words that describe specific realities! Let’s take for example the word combite. In Haiti, a “combite” refers to a form of solidarity work practiced in rural areas where people from a community come together to carry out an agricultural task. Our beneficiaries often use this formula
Read MoreFor most of us, eating is just a routine. For many vulnerable communities like the one we support in the Plateau Central in Haiti, putting a meal on the table is a daily challenge. On World Food Day, we reiterate the importance of continuing to support the most vulnerable communities so that they can have
Read MoreWashing your hands regularly remains one of the most effective preventive measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti, we help the population to apply this hygiene measure through prevention campaigns, the distribution of hand washing stations, as well as soap and chlorine. Since the
Read MoreIn Haiti, our clinic in Baille Tourible has a new triage area. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of visitors that can be admitted into the waiting room has been halved due to compliance with physical distancing rules. . Covering an area of 46 square meters, the new space increases the capacity to accommodate
Read MoreIn Haiti, the residents of Baille Tourible care a lot about the cleanliness and beautification of their community. Since August, local women’s associations’ members have been cleaning the yard of our clinic and the road to get there on a regular basis. This work is in addition to other initiatives taken in the past, such
Read MoreOur “jaden lakou” project started at the end of August in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. This subsistence gardens project aims to enable 500 families, among the most underprivileged, to grow their own food and sell the surplus in the local market. Seedlings, plants and seeds of several varieties of
Read MoreAgronomist Odinave Dominique is the manager of the experimental farm in the community we support in the Central Plateau in Haiti. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, he highlights the importance of this project for the whole community. “The experimental farm gives us the means to fight food insecurity while improving the living conditions
Read MoreWe have taken action to address the threat of food insecurity within the community we support in Haiti. As a result, the experimental farm resumed its activities following the strengthening of health security measures. With the help of our partner Mouvement Paysan Papaye, we were able to: Train more than 50 farmers, members of 6
Read MoreThe children of Baille Tourible hit the road to school this week to complete the school year interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The joy could be seen on their faces! Since the schools closed this Spring, they have been able to stay in touch, remotely, with educational content through the “Read Haiti” Creole reading
Read MoreWithin the community we support in Haiti, face-covering is one of the means used to fight against COVID-19. More than 1,500 masks, sewn by local seamstresses, have been distributed to residents working in the experimental farm project and at the medical clinic, among others. Since the beginning of the pandemic, helping the community to apply
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