David Belle
David Belle first traveled to Haiti in 1993 as a young filmmaker. In 2004 he co-founded Haiti’s International Film Festival in the town of Jacmel as a way of supporting the country’s creative and tourism industries.
In 2008 he co-founded Haiti’s national film school, Ciné Institute. Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, David and colleagues expanded Ciné Institute to become the Artists Institute, offering professional training and technical support to further empower the Haitian film and music industries. The Institute’s five-acre oceanfront campus features recording studios, editing suites, production offices, classrooms, and beautiful Caribbean gardens.
Today it is entirely Haitian run and many Institute graduates are at the center of the most important films and music being made in Haiti. Beyond supporting community development initiatives in Haiti, David’s career includes directing and producing films, photography, songwriting, and music production.